CHECK OUT OUR CALENDAR! We have many upcoming events and activities! Check out our online calendar! CLICK HERE!


Explore the ministry opportunities for students & young adults.

IGNITE Jr. Youth (Gr. 6 - 8)

thursdays // 6:30 - 8:30 pm // rm. 108

We gather every Thursday evening from 6:30-8:30pm and all Jr. High students (Gr. 6-8) are welcome to come!. We spend the first hour hanging out and playing group games in the gym. The second hour we spend time learning & studying together.   The values guiding what we do and what we study are Belong, Be Loved and Become. Oh, we don’t want to forget that we end each night with snacks. We’d love to see you there!!!

Join our group to access our events calendar and find out important information.

IGNITE Sr. Youth (Gr. 9 - 12)

tuesdays // 7 - 9 pm // rm. 108

Join us each Tuesday night at Wainfleet BIC Church for a true living room atmosphere. We meet together each week to discuss how Jesus can have an impact on who we are and who we are made to become. We share stories, discuss the bible, enjoy some awesome food, and relax in a room made just for us. All high school students are welcome!

Upcoming Events

Check out our events calendar below, or link your own device here.

Join our facebook group.